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How Tyler uses her art as therapy for her autoimmune disease

Art is a great healer.

Whether you are after mindfulness, focus or relaxation, or a way to distract you from pain or problems, it is an effective way to break the cycle of everyday monotony, busy-ness or illness. 

Tyler from our community has kindly shared with us her story of how she got into art, why she was attracted to the easy art tools like Watercolour Pens, and how it helps her manager the pain from her autoimmune disease. Here is her story...

My name is Tyler Michelle, I currently reside in Oklahoma City, USA. I am a single mother to the most amazing eight-year-old girl in the world. I graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s in hospitality, I’ve always had a passion for helping and serving others. I started getting into painting about 9 years ago while pregnant with my daughter, it started off with basic craft painting. Nothing fancy or creative, I found that painting relaxed me, brought me to a whole new place and took me away from reality.

It was overtime I started finding ways to better myself. Classes, you tube videos, studying images and colors. I found out a lot about paint brushes, sketch pads, wood, and different types of décor items. I mastered home décor signs to the point people were requesting to purchase my work. I was very leery and didn’t think my work was worthy. It was about 2013 when I constantly taught myself how to letter, I did any type I could do and made it my focus, I eventually started experimenting with different markers, paint pens and then stumbled across watercolor pens. I was so intrigued by them and love the ease of using them, I tend to use my sketchbook as my getaway oasis and my signs is more of a way to gift others with my talent.

What I doodle in the sketch pad with watercolor pens is for myself, is my own thoughts put on paper. I love that there are so many options to be creative with and the amount of support for being artistic is beautiful. I have participated in craft shows and enjoy it, ultimately, I enjoy just creating more.

Recently I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and it hasn’t been easy for a fresh 30 years young woman! I had to make major changes to handle the chronic pain, to force myself to walk, to grip, to dance or move. The pain can be so smothering, however I found painting, crafting, water coloring, doodling and more to take the pain away, to remove me from a swollen body. Painting keeps me going when I am ready to give up! I want to let those know who also suffer with an autoimmune disease or chronic pain, you aren’t alone! So many of us out there begging to find relief, begging to find a way out. I don’t share my diagnosis for attention, but I use it in my creative measures. I paint through the pain, I doodle through the anxiety.

We are human first before we are artists, and I would love to connect and get to know any other artists who juggle chronic pain and mobility issues, and how your creativity helps with the pain. We must use our hands to create our masterpieces so if your hands hurt the most you are not motivated to want to do anything. But I remind myself how I will feel after I finally do pick up the paintbrush or pen. I look forward to connecting with more artists like myself, those conquering autoimmune diseases while being an amazing creator at the same time.

Your welcome to follow me on my craft page @tmhpersonals

Tyler hill

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Add one of our premium keepsake art boxes to your order. We will package it nicely with tissue paper and love!

  • Safely store your art and supplies
  • Take your art supplies on the go
  • Made of sturdy materials, with a magnetic closing

Large Art Box (Box Only)


- Perfect for teens and adults

- Fits up to A4-sized paper

- 32cm by 23.5cm, 10cm deep

Small Art Box (Box Only)


- Amazing for children

- Fits up to A5-sized paper

- 26cm by 22.6cm, 8cm deep