How to create a fun and colourful floral illustration with watercolour brush pens

Hello friends

I am so excited to share this piece below with you all, I think you're going to love it!

One of our artists and brand ambassadors using Life of Colour Watercolour Pens is Subhashini @subhashini.artfactory on Instagram, an incredible artist with a background in textile design. Her love of nature inspires her work and because of this she creates detailed doodle type illustrations that are full of colour, florals, animal life and vibrant textures. 

floral illustration

She has created this awesome floral illustration with her Life of Colour pens, and made a video to share with all of you! It is a real time video so you can see step by step what she is doing, and it is pretty easy to follow along with her.

Watch this video and enjoy the mesmerising process, and then go ahead and get your Life of Colour Pens out and try it yourself, and share your finished piece with us!

Now time to hear about our awesome competition we are holding. Everyone who makes their own floral drawing inspired by this one (of course it doesn't have to be exactly the same, everyone has their own style) should email or post and tag Life of Colour, and you will be in line to win a set of our new acrylic paint pens. More details to follow on our Instagram so make sure you look out for it!  

 Did you enjoy that? Please subscribe to our Youtube channel if you would like to see more of that! And go ahead and follow Subhashini on Instagram @subhashini.artfactory. 

If you do not yet have our watercolour pens, please see below to shop them now, and then enter the competition. 


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